Spanish Hockey Federation (Hockey)
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Real Spanish Federation of Hockey
Hockey came to Spain years before the First World War.However, not until 1923 was officially constituted the Spanish Federation, which from 1924 held the title of Real decision by D. Alfonso XIII, who accepted the title of Honorary President of the same.
The constitution of the Federation was held in Barcelona. In the Catalan city and headed by Joaquín Alonso Aguilera, met on January 28th, 1922 delegates from various companies in Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao had been warming over ten years, informally, the Hockey sport mode, the desirability of agreeing in Spain with national character was formed a body of this sport that would pool criteria, regulations and disciplines coming manifesting regionally, and as a result was commissioned Mr. Aguilera presented the Civil Government Madrid statutes were designed, which was the 31st of the same month of January.
The February 26 met again in Barcelona the same gentlemen, as to date had not been made any observation by the authorities to the petition, it was agreed tentatively to start the operation of the Spanish Federation appointing a Committee of time and interim basis take over the Federation.
Finally, the General Assembly held in Madrid on March 3, 1923 with assistance of the Committee had been acting as interim national delegates of the regional federations of Alicante and Madrid, the final and legal constitution of the Spanish Federation agreed Hockey and registration in the special register of associations.
The first legal and definitive statutes of the Federation were approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held in Madrid on March 4, 1924.
Since the negotiations for the formation of the Spanish Federation began, served as Chairman of this Committee, Don Joaquín Alonso Aguilera and until February 26, 1922, when it was appointed on an interim basis the following Steering Committee:
President(D. Luis Hernández Inegas)
Secretary(D. Emilio Hernández Herztog)
Treasurer(Aguilera and Joaquín Alonso)
Vocal 1(D. Alberto Maluquer)
2nd Vocal(Julio Fleischmer)
The Assembly held on March 3, 1923 approved the appointment definitively Directive as follows ::
President(D. José García Cernuda)
Secretary(D. Eulogio de Aguilera)
Treasurer(D. Alberto Maluquer)
Vocal 1(Julio Fleischmer)
This policy was completed in the Assembly of March 4, 1924, naming Mr. Conde Vice Glimes of Brabantian.
The Spanish Federation actively involved in the establishment of the International Hockey Federation, which directs and guides the sport globally and officially began operating in Paris on January 7, 1924, attended by the delegations of Austria, Belgium, Spain, France , Hungary, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia.
The Spanish delegation was formed by President Julio D. Fleischner and Joaquin Aguilera. Directive which was then formed to initiate international work consisted of:
President(Paul M. Léautey (France))
Vice(M. Becqqe (Belgium) and M. Fleischner (Spain))
Secretary-general(MF Bottle (Spain))
Treasurer(M. Daubresse (Belgium))
Vowels(M. Schneeberger (Austria), M. Rezac (Czechoslovakia), M. Demaurez (Switzerland) and M. Cindric (Hungary))
Since that time he has never failed to include Spain in the Bureau of the International Federation.