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Launch Pad Assisting Victorian Gymnastics


LaunchPad Re-Energises Clubs and Coaches


Geelong YMCA LaunchPad launch!
Workforce, Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Since July 2012 Clubs across Victoria have become re-energised by becoming LaunchPad accredited clubs.

Since July 2012 Clubs across Victoria have become re-energised by becoming LaunchPad accredited clubs. LaunchPad is Gymnastics Australia’s participation initiative that strives to support clubs in developing all areas of their programs. LaunchPad can help big and small clubs with Marketing, Coach Development and creating School Connections.  Recently Geelong YMCA and Eastern Gymnastics held Open Day’s to introduce their communities to LaunchPad.


Geelong YMCA was fortunate to have Alexandra Eade, Junior International Gymnasts from the Victoria Woman’s High Performance Centre and Abby Shrader and Sara Bilcalvs from the Geelong SuperCats basketball team in attendance. Over 50 children participated in the LaunchPad activities and the day provided the opportunity for new members to try gymnastics.

Eastern Gymnastics also hosted an open day at their revamped Box Hill North venue in April. The children were enjoying the activities and circuits for a full 1 and a half hour. The club finished the day with new enrolments and each child went home tired but happy with a balloon, a sticker and a great sense of achievement!

“LaunchPad has been a great initiative for our Club.  The training has re-energised our coaches and given them lots of fun new coaching ideas.  It has also given us a new focus for our second venue and our Numbers have increased as a result.” Said Eastern Gymnastics Club Coordinator Alison Dunn.

Ingrid Howell from Geelong YMCA has also stated that their experience with LaunchPad has boosted their coaching morale and programs.

“Schools have noticed and commented positively on the changes in the lessons delivered to their students. Coaches are enjoying relating their successes with their gymnasts to other coaches using LaunchPad and thus spreading the enthusiasm and the LaunchPad brand.”

Many more clubs have begun to use the LaunchPad brand and philosophies to boost their programs. If you think your club could do with a little inspiration please contact Youth Participation Coordinator Alison Lyons to find out more. 


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